Charles-Éric LEMAIGNEN


Orléans Métropole

Charles-Éric Lemaignen is vice-president of Orléans Métropole. He was first vice-president of the Assemblée des communautés de France (AdCF), president of the Orléans Val de Loire metropolitan government and Vice-President of GART (Authorithies Transport Group).

He was also President of Orléans Technopole Développement (development technocity), President of the Agence d’Urbanisme de l’Agglomération Orléanaise (Orléans urban planning agency), Région Centre regional councillor since April 2004, Vice-president of the Assemblée des Communautés de France, Orléans court of appeal attorney since October 5, 2000, Associate professor at Université d’Orléans (local public management Master’s degree programme). Since October 2000, he is a lawyer at the Orléans appellate court and associate professor at université d’Orléans, where he oversees the Master’s program in public local management.

Charles-Éric Lemaignen is a member of the steering committee of La Fabrique de la Cité.

La Fabrique de la Cité

La Fabrique de la Cité is a think tank dedicated to urban foresight, created by the VINCI group, its sponsor, in 2010. La Fabrique de la Cité acts as a forum where urban stakeholders, whether French or international, collaborate to bring forth new ways of building and rebuilding cities.

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