Professor of Public Law
Sciences Po
Jean Bernard Auby is Law Professor in Sciences Po Paris since 2006 where he holds the chair “Mutation de l’Action Publique et du Droit Public”. Jean Bernard Auby is also a member of the scientific council of the European Public Law Organization and Honorary Chairman of the French association of Territorial Government Authorities.
Before, Jean Bernard Auby was dean of the Université Paris XII and Law Professor in Assas (Université Paris II) as well as a Visiting Scholar in several foreign universities (Tunis, Beijing, Oslo…). He is director of the administrative law review and of Jurisclasseur. Jean Bernard Auby is a specialist of territorial government authorities’ law and urbanism. He published several books on urbanism such as “Droit de l’urbanisme et la construction” (Montchrestien, 8th edition, 2008), “Droit des Collectivités Locales” (PUF, 4th edition, 2008), “Droit de la ville. Du fonctionnement juridique des villes au droit à la ville” (Lexis Nexis, 2013). Jean Bernard Auby holds an agrégation in public law.
Jean Bernard Auby is a member of the steering committee of La Fabrique de la Cité.