Senior Researcher
Sciences Po
Julien Damon is a sociologist and Associate Professor in the Master’s program on urban development at Sciences Po.
He is a member of the national council on policies designed to curtail poverty and social exclusion in France and the science council of France’s national institute of demographic studies (INED). He has authored several works on social public policy and the fight against exclusion, including “Que sais-je ? L’exclusion“ (Puf, 2008) and “Les Familles recomposées “ (Puf, 2012). He also edited an anthology titled “Vivre en ville. Observatoire mondial des modes de vie urbains“ (Puf, 2008) and “Des Villes à Vivre“ (Odile Jacob, 2010).
He also published “Que sais-je ? les classes moyennes” (Puf, 2013) and “La Démobilité: travailler, vivre autrement “ (note Fondapol, 2013), and Smart Cities report for The Institut de l’entreprise in march 2014. Julien Damon was formerly head of research and prospecting at Caisse nationale des Allocations Familiales.
He holds a degree from École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP) and a doctorate in sociology from Paris IV.