Urban Expedition to Singapore
From 10 to 12 July 2019, La Fabrique de la Cité organized an urban expedition to Singapore. Seen as a symbol of the smart city, Singapore has developed an integrated approach of its territory and has associated careful governance to the use of technology in order to address its contemporary and future challenges.
Constrained by its limited surface area and resources, the city has conducted voluntarist policies over the past 60 years: mass construction of public housing, creation of polycentric peripheries, road pricing… In the 1990s, Singapore entered a knowledge-driven economy and became Asia’s first financial center thanks to its modern transport and telecommunication networks and its attractive fiscal system. These have made Singapore a business location that cannot be overlooked.
Population growth and ageing, social and cultural inclusion, climate change and cybersecurity: Singapore cannot overlook these existing challenges. To what extent can the articulation between governance and technology help alleviate a territory’s constraints? In spite of the diversity of economic, cultural, and political contexts, can policies implemented in Singapore inspire other metropolises? To what extent does the storytelling help shape an imagination meant to bolster the city’s economic attractiveness and maintain its political stability?