Députée Maire
Eindhoven (Pays-Bas)
Since May 2014, Mary-Ann Schreurs (Amsterdam, 1957) is vice-mayor of innovation, culture, design and sustainability for the city of Eindhoven. Mary-Ann graduated as a theoretical chemist at ‘Vrije Universiteit’ in Amsterdam.
From 1994 to 2002 and from 2006 to 2010 she was council member for Eindhovens city council for political party D66. From 2002to 2006 she was vice-mayor of Spatial Planning for the city of Eindhoven, board member for the VNG (Association of Dutch Municipalities). From 2010 to 2014 she was vice-mayor of innovation, culture and public space.
Mary-Ann Schreurs believes in design as an important engine for our economy and being just the right tool for defying big challenges of the city.
As the first Dutch vice-mayor of design she therefore introduced design in local innovation policy. Her goal is to improve citizen’s lives by using the methodology of design thinking in co-creation with the citizens itself and other stakeholders in the city. Before she became council member and vice-mayor in Eindhoven, she was co-initiator of (European) innovation projects linked to design.